Under the UN Convention on the law of the sea ( UNCLOS)-the most important source of international marine territorial law-countries can lodge claims with the Commission to extend their seabed exploitation rights beyond the standard 200 nautical miles offshore. 依据《联合国海洋法公约》(简称unclos)这一国际海洋领土法律最重要的基础各国可以向该委员会申请往200海里专属经济区以外的区域扩张海底开发权。
Including the application of electronic evidence of International Trade Law Commission of the United Nations, the provisions and rules of the electronic evidence in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany and France. 包括联合国国际贸易法委员会对电子证据在诉讼中应用的法律规定,美国、英国关于电子证据的证据规则的规定以及德国、法国等大陆法系国家关于电子证据的规定。
The introduction of the state responsibility into the compensation mechanism for transboundary environmental damage, through the practice of the states and the efforts of UN International Law Commission ( ILC), is a breakthrough of the traditional state liability. 在国际实践和联合国国际法委员会的努力下,跨界环境损害中引入了国家责任制度,实现了传统国家责任在适用领域上的一大突破。
The International Law Commission began the codification of the acts not prohibited for injurious consequences arising out of international liability since 1978, and has been from the perspective of state responsibility to solve this problem. 国际法委员会自1978年对此类由国际法不加禁止的行为产生的损害性后果的国际责任开始编纂以来,一直从国家责任的角度解决这一问题,但发展缓慢。